Feature Wiki
Release 4.3
On this page you can see which features became part of ILIAS version 4.3. Click on a feature's title to read more about it.
There is also an overview on Who paid what in ILIAS 4.3. At the bottom of the page you find a list of features that will be abandoned with ILIAS 4.3.
Several features have been scheduled for release 4.3 but could not be implemented due to missing funding. Please contact the ILIAS team if you can offer funding to implement or co-fund a specific feature!
More information about the different releases of 4.3 are available in the module Roadmap and Releases.
Timeline of 4.3:
- Feature freeze: March 31, 2012
- First stable release 4.3.0:
- Last stable release 4.3.12 and end of maintenance: July 28, 2015
1 Funded Features
The following features are part of release 4.3:
- Ability for users to delete their own user account (Status: implemented)
- Access Info Page From Selected Items (Status: implemented)
- Action Menu: Content and Settings Links (Part 2) (Status: implemented)
- Add Manual Feedback to Manual Scoring Notification (Status: implemented)
- Additional Test Start/Resume Button within Questions Tab (Status: implemented)
- Adjustable Fault Tolerance For SCORM Player (Status: implemented)
- Allow empty mandatory fields in administration (Status: implemented)
- Apply test defaults every time (Status: implemented)
- Arrow Key Navigation in Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
- Audio/Video Player (Status: implemented)
- Auto Save for Test Results (Status: implemented)
- Best Solution as Option (Status: implemented)
- Blog as Repository Object (Status: implemented)
- Blog RSS Feed and Notification (Status: implemented)
- Calendar Appointment Notification with ICal-Attachment (Status: implemented)
- Calendar Block: List of Upcoming Events (Status: implemented)
- Captcha (Status: implemented)
- Certification Service for Courses (Status: implemented)
- Cloning a master-client (Status: implemented)
- Contact Administration (Status: implemented)
- Completing Import, Export and Copying of Objects (Status: implemented)
- Configure Starting Point in ILIAS (Status: implemented)
- Confirmation Screen Guideline (Status: implemented)
- Context Sensitive Search (Status: implemented)
- Context Sensitive Search for Learning Modules (Status: implemented)
- Course Setting: Learning Progress Determines Passed Status (Status: implemented)
- Creation of Courses through ECS (Status: implemented)
- Cross-Browser Video (Status: implemented)
- CSS Revision (in development, improvements will also be done during beta)
- Customize Temporal Sort Order of Forum Postings (Status: implemented)
- Cut&Paste in Bookmark Administration (Status: implemented)
- Introducing Data Collection (Status: implemented)
- Delete User Accounts Automatically According to Activity Status (Status: implemented)
- Deleting Selected Passes (Status: implemented)
- Developer Guideline: Writing SQL queries efficiently (Status: ongoing, also during stable)
- Display of Free Places in Groups (Status: implemented)
- Easy deletion of linked objects (Status: implemented)
- ECS Category (Status: implemented)
- ECS File (Status: implemented)
- ECS Glossary (Status: implemented)
- ECS Group (Status: implemented)
- ECS Learning Module ILIAS (Status: implemented)
- ECS Test (Status: implemented in ILIAS, needs server implementation on ECS side)
- ECS Wiki (Status: implemented)
- Edit LP not granted to object owners (Status: implemented)
- Embedding External Calendars (Status: implemented)
- Enhance Automatic Scoring Capabilities Of Essay Questions (Status: implemented)
- Enhance Multiple Choice For Controling Feedback Presentation (Status: implemented)
- Executive summary for DB updates in setup (Status: implemented)
- Export of Personal Data (Status: implemented)
- Export title and label in User-specific results (Status: implemented)
- Extended placeholders for test certificates (Status: implemented)
- Extended Rating in Wiki (Status: implemented)
- Filemanager (Status: implemented)
- Filter for Participants without Answers but started Pass(es) in Test Results (Status: implemented)
- Framesetless Toc2Win Layout (Status: implemented)
- Item Group - Free Sorting Edit Mode in Container Objects (Status: implemented)
- Hide/Show Advanced Content (Status: implemented)
- Highlight Link Areas (Status: implemented)
- Highlighting users position in Toc2Win view (Status: implemented)
- Highscore (Status: implemented)
- Hints (Status: implemented)
- iCal feed for public calendar (Status: implemented)
- Imprint (Status: implemented)
- Improve Main Menu Search Input Field (Status: implemented)
- Improve Navigation to Pages with Scheduled Activation (Status: implemented)
- Improved Presentation of Best Solution (Status: implemented)
- Improvements in German Language File (Status: implemented)
- Improving Calendar Usability (Status: in development, usability issues may also be finalised during beta)
- Improving Forum Usability (Status: implemented)
- Internal Links as Weblink Targets (Status : implemented)
- Keyword Tag for Glossaries (Status: implemented)
- Latex Revision (Status: implemented)
- Learning Progress for Tutors Only (Status: implemented)
- Learning Progress Statistics for Courses (Status: implemented)
- Mediacast: Lightbox View (Status: implemented)
- Mediacast: Preview Picture (Status: implemented)
- Member List - Print (Status: implemented)
- Move or Link - user interface (Status: implemented)
- MyISAM/InnoDB switch (Status: implemented)
- No default calendar for courses and groups (Status: implemented)
- Number of Distinct User Accessed an Object (Status: implemented)
- Number of Objects per Time (Status: implemented)
- Object Statistics on Demand (Status: implemented)
- Introducing Online Help (Status: implemented)
- Option to Obligate Test Questions (Status: implemented)
- Optional Deadline for Exercises (Status: implemented)
- Ownership Management (Status: implemented)
- Perform Actions for Large Set of Users (Status: implemented, sending mail to users will be postponed to 4.4)
- Performance improvements of the forum tree (Status: implemented)
- Permanent Link redirects to JOIN screen (Status: implemented)
- Poll - Basic Implementation (Status: implemented)
- PostgreSQL Support (Status: implemented, will be tagged as experimental for 4.3)
- Prevent automatic removal of items from mediacast's feed (Status: implemented)
- Print View and Edit Links in Glossaries (Status: implemented)
- Protect Administration Role (Status: implemented)
- Redesign Simple Search and Advanced Search (Status: implemented)
- Registration Mails with Attachment (Status: implemented)
- Reporting Session Statistics (Status: implemented)
- Reset Last Visited List (Status: implemented)
- Reset Tracking Data of Course Objects via SOAP (Status: implemented)
- Responsive Design (Status: implemented)
- Restriction of self-registration to specified mail domains (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Block Sorting on Personal Desktop (Status: implemented)
- Revision of Manual Scoring (Status: implemented)
- Scheduled Activation for all Repository Objects (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004: Increase performance when starting a SCORM module (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004: Show cmi.completion Status (Status: implemented)
- SCORM 2004: store only data if changed (Status: implemented)
- Search Filter: Online/Offline Objects (Status: implemented)
- Selecting A Topic (Status: implemented)
- Separate titles for container references (Status: implemented)
- Session Materials in Navigation Tree (Status: implemented)
- Sessions in Groups (Status: implemented)
- Show Course News For All Courses in My Membership (Status: implemented)
- Show Course Relevant User Data in Waiting List and Request Membership table (Status: implemented as bugfix)
- Show full description in object lists (Status: implemented)
- Show Membership Allocation (Status: implemented)
- Show Object-ID in Object Statistics Tables (Status: implemented)
- Show Score (Status: implemented)
- Sorting in Media Cast (Status: implemented)
- Sorting in Wikis (Status: implemented)
- Start with last visited SCO/Asset (Status: implemented)
- Streamlining Questions for a unified feedback behaviour (Status: implemented)
- Streamlining Username Display (Status: implemented)
- Style per Category (Status: implemented)
- Styles in Glossaries (Status: implemented, needs testing)
- Submitting Solution as Team (Status: implemented)
- Taxonomy in Glossary (Status: implemented)
- Use PNGs instead of GIFs for standard icons (Status: implemented)
- User Administration Learning Progress Status Filter (Status: implemented)
2 Abandoned Features
The following features will be removed from ILIAS or deactivated:
- Support for Internet Explorer 7
- ERP Payment Method Removed, see Jour Fixe decision in Mantis #9500. (Status: removed)
- jsMath support is replaced by MathJax support, see Latex Revision (Status: implemented)
- RBAC Cache (removed)
- Remove Feedback Feature in Courses (removed)
- Remove Digilib Book Support (removed) Former Digilib books are now ILIAS learning modules
- Remove iLinc Interface Support (step 1 implemented)
Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:04, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]