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System Notifications

In the meantime we now have a newer request called Introduction of Administrative Notifications that tackles the same problem. Therefore, I set this page to status "redundant".

1 Description

Currently, it is not that easy to inform all users of an installation about maintenance activities and temporary server shutdowns. In ILIAS 2 there was a simple maintenance setting that informed about such activities and upcoming interuptions of services.

For ILIAS 4.1 would like to suggest a feature for easy system notification. It would only be available for system administrators (in Administration) and offer several channels for communicating information about maintenance activities:

  • Sending mails to all users (internal mail box as well as e-mail address)
  • Adding a message to the login screen
  • Adding a message bar (below the main menu) for a short message and a (> more) link
System administrators have the possibility to choose which channels will be used (all, only one, ...).

The structure of such a notification would be the following for all three channels:

Mail message

Login message

Message bar


= subject of mail

= headline of message

= message text in bar


= body of mail

= paragraph(s) below headline

behind [more] link and shown under message bare when page is reloaded

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Matthias Kunkel

4 Discussion

Matthias Kunkel, 17 Nov 09:

  • We could also discuss if the current setting "System Messages" is still necessary for mails when this new feature is implemented.

Jour Fixe, 30 Nov '09: We would highly appreciate some feedback from other system administrators!

Ostatnio zmieniono:: 28. Sty 2022, 16:39, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]