Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. is the official home of the ILIAS software. This society is open for all users, institutions and service providers who wants to contribute to the further development and improvement of ILIAS. For more information see www.verein.ilias.de or contact verein@ilias.de.

1 Contributions

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V. is continuously contributing to the development of ILIAS.

1.1 Suggested for ILIAS 10

1.2 Funded in ILIAS 10

1.3 Funded in ILIAS 9

1.4 Funded in ILIAS 8

1.5 Funded in ILIAS 7

1.6 Funded in ILIAS 6

1.7 Funded in ILIAS 5.4

1.8 Funded in ILIAS 5.3

1.9 Funded in ILIAS 5.2

1.10 Funded in ILIAS 5.1

1.11 Funded in ILIAS 5.0

  1. Blog: New Posting Notification With Text
  2. Data Collection - Default sort field
  3. ILIAS Page Editor: Mobile Support Style Sheet Editor
  4. My Workspace: Improvements for Shared With
  5. User Interface: Design Revision (c)
  6. Wiki: Custom Metadata for Wiki
  7. Wiki: Wiki Page List Page Element

1.12 Funded in ILIAS 4.4

1.13 Funded in ILIAS 4.3


1.14 Funded in ILIAS 4.2


1.15 Funded in ILIAS 4.1

1.16 Funded in ILIAS 4.0

1.17 Suggested but not scheduled yet

2 Contact

ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V.
Berrenrather Straße 177, 
D - 50937 Köln

© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
Berrenrather Straße 177, 50937 Köln

Last edited: 24. Feb 2024, 14:59, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]