Feature Wiki
Page Overview
[Hide]Date and place
Monday, February 11, 2019 from 13:00 – 16:00 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln
Time | Topic |
13:00 - 14:20 | 1. Appointments |
14:30 - 15:00 | 3. Publishing 5.4 |
15:00 - 17:45 | 4. Developing 6.0 |
17:45 - 18:00 | 5. Miscellaneous |
At ILIAS office:
- Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] (Minutes), Seeland, Per Pascal [PerPascalSeeland], Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], Meyer, Stefan [smeyer], Bromberger, Norbert [bromberger]
- Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], Rabah, Rachid [rabah], Strassner, Denis [dstrassner], Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], Killing, Alexander [alex], Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle], Klees, Richard [rklees], Heyser, Björn [bheyser], Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt], Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz], Jobst, Christoph [cjobst], Heer, Raphael [rheer]
If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe via Skype, please join our Skype meeting! (Achtung: geändert URL)
1 Appointments
- 13 FEB 2019, 15:00 - 17:00: Kitchensink Fragen-Canvas in Skype
If you want to participate at one of the above mentioned workshops, please register for the related session. This helps to organise the workshop. Thanks!
2 Maintained Versions
2.1 Roadmap
Last releases:
- ILIAS 5.4.0_beta1 published at October 31, 2018
- ILIAS 5.3.12 published at January 04, 2019
- ILIAS 5.2.21 published at January 11, 2019
- ILIAS 5.4.0 scheduled for March 13, 2019
- ILIAS 5.3.13 scheduled for February 14, 2019
- ILIAS 5.2.21 scheduled for February 14, 2019
2.2 Mantis Bug Reports
All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:
- none
- …
2.3 Bugfixing Statistic
Bug reports[1] set to status 'open' and not been touched by responsible maintainer for more than 21 days (checked this morning) as well as bug reports with priorisation voting:
Responsible Maintainer | Open bugs without feedback | Last JF | ø Age in days | Last JF | New Votes* | Old Votes** | Resolved*** |
5 | 9 | 212 | 219 | 1x2v 2x1v | |||
4 | 4 | 83 | 76 | 1x1v | |||
1 | 1 | 45 | 38 | ||||
19 | 14 | 42 | 43 | 5x1v | 3x2v 31x1v | 2x1v | |
2x2v | |||||||
Thomas Joussen | 2 | 2 | 125 | 118 | |||
1x1v | 1x5v 4x1v | 1x2v | |||||
1x1v | |||||||
11 | 23 | 134 | 79 | 3x1v | |||
2 | 2 | 165 | 158 | ||||
4 | 4 | 177 | 1x1v | ||||
lz@studer-raimann.ch | 1x3v | ||||||
3 | 4 | 400 | 343 | 2x1v | 1x3v 2x2v 30x1v | 1x3v 2x2v 2x1v | |
Benjamin Seglias | |||||||
1x2v | |||||||
Niels Theen | 1 | 1 | 35 | 28 | |||
10 | 9 | 142 | 149 | 1x1v | |||
1 | 2 | 88 | 74 | 1x1v | |||
2 | 2 | 96 | 89 | 1x1v |
* New votes: bugs priorised within the last 14 days ** Old votes: priorised bugs before last JF (older then 14 days) *** Resolved: Resolved or closed bug reports in the last 14 days
Bug reports with status 'Fixing according to priorisation' should be fixed before other bugs are tackled. Priorised bugs very important for one or more institutional members of the ILIAS society. Handling this reports with low priority contradicts the intention of the established bug fixing process.
2.4 Open Pull Requests to Discuss
The following pull requests in the ILIAS GitHub repository were marked with 'Jour Fixe' this morning:
- PR1371 • Added docu about input processing : Richard notified about existing documentation for input handling. Please have a look at the docu. Will be merged after TB meeting tomorrow.
- none
2.5 Continuous Integration
Overview on current status and reports from CI-server at http://ci.ilias.de:
- automated tests: 3597 (-3) passing unit tests on PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1 since JF 2019-02-04
- Currently there are 3 failing tests. This commit broke the tests.
- Please have a look into the skipped and incomplete tests in: Workflow Engine, Test and Assessment, Web Access Checker, Global Screen Service
- Feel free to contact Klees, Richard [rklees] for support!
- results of dicto architectural tests
- no violations were resolved since JF 2019-02-04
- Please run unit tests locally before committing.
Travis CI for ILIAS:
- https://travis-ci.com/ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS/builds
- more to come...
Performance monitoring:
- Script is still not running on Pascal's installation. Trunk needs to be fixed before monitoring can be continued. Related bug report is #24671.
3 Publishing 5.4
106 features have been implemented for ILIAS release 5.4, see Release 5.4. They now will be tested together with the existing features of ILIAS 5.4.
A 5.4 release branch has been created at November 19, 2018. Trunk is now set to 6.0 alpha.
3.1 Release Cycle for Version 5.4
Feature freeze | 30 APR 2018 |
Coding completed | 29 OCT 2018 |
Test cases completed | 29 OCT 2018 |
Documentation of implementation completed | 29 OCT 2018 |
Beta1 release and start of testing 5.4 | 31 OCT 2018 |
Testing completed | 31 JAN 2019 |
End of bug fixing | 08 MAR 2019 |
Stable version 5.4.0 | 13 MAR 2019 |
In accordance with the Technical Board the product manager decided to set the documentation of implementation of a feature as another requirement to get an implemented feature into trunk. This information helps testers to understand the feature they have to test and improves the understanding of the feature for users. This requirement is effective from ILIAS version 5.4. Similar to test cases and approval, the documentation of implementation on the feature wiki page needs to be completed until October 29, 2018 for version 5.4.
3.2 Development Issues in 5.4
- …
3.3 Status of Testing

- Test installation for ILIAS 5.4 is available at test54.ilias.de.
- Testing has started at November 02, 2018 and ended officially at January 31, 2019.
Components passed with 100%
- Badges (1 retest)
- Bibliographich List Item
- Blog
- Booking Tool
- Bookmarks
- Category and Repository
- Cloud Object
- Competence Management
- Contacts
- Exercise
- File
- Forum
- Glossary
- ILIAS Page Editor
- Info Page
- Item Groups
- Language Handling
- Learning History
- Learning Module HTML
- Maps
- MathJax
- My Workspace
- News
- Notes and Comments
- Online Help
- Personal Desktop
- Personal Profile
- Poll
- Portfolio Template
- Rating
- SCORM Offline Player
- SCORM Online Editor
- Study Programme
- Survey
- Tagging
- Terms of Service
- Test & Assessment (3 retest)
- User Service
- Web Feeds & RSS
- Wiki (1 retest)
- Workflow Engine
Components with failed and blocked TCs
- Administration: 9 failed
- Calendar: 6 failed
- Certificate: 3 failed (-1)
- Chat: 2 failed
- Content Page: 1 failed
- Course Management: 28 failed (-1), 7 blocked
- Cron Service: 4 failed, 3 blocked
- CSS/Templates: 5 failed
- Data Collection: 2 failed, 2 blocked
- Export: 17 failed, 6 blocked
- Group: 5 failed (+1)
- Individual Assessment: 3 failed, 8 blocked
- Learning Module ILIAS - Editor: 1 failed
- Learning Module ILIAS - Presentation: 1 blocked
- Learning Module SCORM 1.2: 8 failed
- Learning Module SCORM 2004: 14 failed
- Learning Sequence: 10 failed
- Login, Auth & Registration: 1 failed
- LTI: 7 failed (-1), 27 blocked (-6)
- Mail: 1 failed
- Media Pools: 2 failed
- Mediacast: 1 failed
- Metadata: 3 failed
- Organisational Units: 7 failed (-1)
- Plugin Slots: 2 failed
- Portfolio: 1 failed (-3)
- Precondition Handling: 6 failed
- RBAC: 8 failed (-1)
- Search: 1 failed
- Session: 6 failed, 1 blocked
- Setup: 3 failed
- Staff: 3 failed, 2 blocked
- Statistics and LP: 4 failed
- Web Access Checker: 7 failed
- WebDAV: 5 failed (+1), 3 blocked
- Who is online?: 1 failed
- Weblink: 1 failed
4 Developing ILIAS 6.0
4.1 Developing Issues in 6.0
- …
4.2 Feature Requests for ILIAS 6.0
The following suggestions were made for ILIAS version 6.0 which should be published in 2020.
Usability Improvement of Trash : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for ILIAS 6.0 with the following changes:
- the view for tab "Trash" needs a tab navigation, too
- for the "Repository View" we prefer to have the sub-tab labels "Existing Objects" and "Deleted Objects" and the page title " Existing / Deleted Objects at Node 'XYZ' "
Multi language support for Custom Metadata : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0 with the following changes / modifications:
- To ease the administration of multi-lingual datasets we would like to have an additional toggle "All" that shows all existing data fields for all supported (activated langauges)
- Adding or removing additional entries for a data field should only be possible for the default language (no + / - for other languages).
Templates for Column Layout : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0.…
Open Portfolio Submissions from «Submission and Grades» : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. Please feel free to suggest a new KS element to display additional information for HTML exports. But this could be discussed separetely.
- Feature request presented by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
- Length of slot: 15'
Open Blog Submissions from «Submission and Grades» : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. Please feel free to suggest a new KS element to display additional information for HTML exports. But this could be discussed separetely.
- Feature request presented by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]
- Length of slot: 15'
Open Wiki Submissions from «Submission and Grades» : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0. Please feel free to suggest a new KS element to display additional information for HTML exports. But this could be discussed separetely.
Location Multi-Part Custom Metadata : We highly appreciatethis suggestion and schedule it for 6.0 with the following modification:
- Please allow to add an URL as data field, too. Use case could be a "How-to-find-us" or a description of the place on a web page.
- Please consider that this meta data field type has to support multilinguality, too (see FR Multi language support for Custom Metadata).
Definition of DATETIME Data for the Event Period of Courses/Groups : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0 with the following modification:
- Course period has to support DATETIME and DATE to cover also existing entries (which are always full-day entries). Implementation should be similar to the session (checkbox 'full-day event' toggles date type).
- And we have to consider the rivality between sessions and the period of event for future decisions.
Page Layout Revision (Desktop) : We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept to discuss the tree behaviour is a separate feature request as suggested by Yvonne. Page Layout Revision (Desktop) is scheduled for 6.0.
Page Layout Revision (Mobile) : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for 6.0.
5 Miscellaneous
Next Jour Fixe dates
- Monday, February 25, 13:00 - 18:00
- Monday, March 11, 13:00 - 18:00
- Monday, March 25, 13:00 - 18:00
Layout Revision 6.0 working group
Virtual Meeting every Friday, 11:00 - 12:00
- Weekly Meeting that deals with the project management of the General Layout and Menu Revision. Due to the complexity of the project, we coordinate the next steps and define responsibilities. If you want to stay in contact and get information about the project, feel free to join the Working Group and attend our VC.
Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:29, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]