Download & Releases

3.10.5 (stable)

Release 3.10.5 has been published on 6th March 2009.

Please read the ILIAS 3.10 features report for information about major changes and new features of this version!

Information about first time installation can be found here.

ILIAS 3.10 does not support MySQL 4.0.x anymore. You need at least MySQL 4.1.x or higher. Minimum PHP Version is PHP 5.1.3. We also moved from PEAR::DB to the PEAR::MDB2 package with 3.10.0.

How to Update: Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 3.8.x -> 3.9.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

Notes for MySQL 4.0.x Upgraders: If you plan to upgrade from MySQL 4.0.x to MySQL 4.1.x or higher please read our Migrating from MySQL 4.0.x to MySQL 4.1.x instructions.

If you update from ILIAS 3.4.0 or 3.4.1 and already used MySQL 4.1.x: Due to a problem in the UTF-8 handling some extra update steps are necessary. Please click here and follow the instructions.

<div class="framed"><div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .tar.gz

Download 3.10.5.tar.gz
50MB, 2009-03-06
md5: 18ef5d078326d90ba562392ef6c620df


<br />
<div class="framed"><div style="float:right; margin:15px;"></div>
Format: .zip

53MB, 2009-03-06
md5: 0cb83933c4634df01bb530473fbdf19b


ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Fixed Bugs

  • Test & Assessment

    • Fixed problem with calculation of best test pass. The last pass was always calculated instead of the best pass (Helmut Schottmüller)
    • Fixed problem with calculation of question feedback. ILIAS always returned the feedback of the last test pass (Helmut Schottmüller)
    • Fixed bug #0004240: Feedack in Test doesnt match correct answer (Helmut Schottmüller)
    • Fixed date output in certificates and removed terms like today, yesterday etc. (Helmut Schottmüller)

  • Repository

    • Fixed Bug #4244: Full screen by category editor dosen´t work. (Alex Killing)
    • Fixed Bug #4239: Repository tree ordering. (Alex Killing)

  • Survey

    • Fixed bug #0004238: Layout of survey statistics in IE (Helmut Schottmüller)
    • Fixed bug #0004290: Obligatory or optional in Print-View of a survey (Helmut Schottmüller)
    • Fixed bug #0004249: German umlauts in Excel export of survey statistics (Helmut Schottmüller)

  • Learning Modules

    • Fixed Bug #4289: Showing escape charactes in image legend. (Alex Killing)
    • Fixed Bug #4330: Wrong HTML-Code for HTML-Media-Objects (iframe) and Applets. (Alex Killing)
    • Fixed Bug #4266: Linking to glossaries in imagemaps. (Alex Killing)

  • Glossaries

    • Fixed Bug #4300: Error when trying to delete a definiton. (Alex Killing)