Thread "Update PHPUnit to 5.7"


  • fschmid
    fschmid | fschmid (Moderation) | 21. Jun 2017, 08:56 Select
    Update PHPUnit to 5.7

    Dear Developers

    We updated our PHPUnit-Version in trunk to 5.7 this morning after the PR #533 has been accepted during last JF. Please make sure you use the same version while running your tests locally. You can use the defined version after installing the dev-requirements in composer:

    $ cd libs/composer

    $ composer install

    $ php /var/www/ilias/libs/composer/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --exclude-group needsInstalledILIAS --no-configuration ilGlobalSuite /var/www/ilias/Services/PHPUnit/test/ilGlobalSuite.php

    Please do not commit the dev-dependencies, there is a description on this here:

    If there are any questions concerning the update of our PHPUnit-version, feel free to start the discussion here in this forum-thread.

    Best regards
