Keyword: SCORM
Keywords: Mobile, SCORM, Tin Can API, xAPI
A lot of ILIAS users have chosen our LMS because of its SCORM compliance and sound integration in ILIAS. But even if SCORM is a well introduced e-learning standard today that is used worldwide and in all kind of sectors, a next generation SCORM is already discussed in the community. Therefore, it was a good moment to think about the future of SCORM in ILIAS when we had a meeting of some of the major stakeholder in SCORM at January 30, 2014 in Cologne.
Keywords: Offline Player, SCORM
The possibility to learn wherever and whenever you want is a big advantage of e-learning. Unfortunately, you need continous internet access to use the learning content on your LMS. But this time is over now with ILIAS 4.4 because this new major release of ILIAS offers an integrated SCORM offline player which allows you to run a SCORM 1.2 or 2004 learning module without being online.