Download & Releases
5.2.9 (stable)
Release 5.2.9 has been published on October 13, 2017
Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok. If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.2.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in former versions.
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Known Issues
Exercise: Participant Overview Broken
Unfortunately this release introduces a major bug in the exercise participant view, see Please update using git or use the following patch. Make a backup copy of the corresponding file before replacing it with the patch file.
Fixed Bugs
The following bugs reported in Mantis have been resolved:
* #0006115: [Login, Auth & Registration] No redirect to login when session timeout (smeyer)
* #0021043: [Exercise] Failed test: Aufgabenstellung lesen und selber Team bilden > Fehlerhafte Anzeige der Verbleibenden Bearbeitungsdauer bei Datei a (akill)
* #0021530: [Exercise] Excercise -individuelle Nachfrist setzen funktioniert nicht (akill)
* #0021071: [Web Access Checker] WAC + Custom login-page allows access to repository (fschmid)
* #0021525: [Survey] Bug in Excel Export (akill)
* #0021377: [Calendar] Error Log file (smeyer)
* #0021091: [Calendar] Viele Logeinträge: There is no dataset with id 335052! (smeyer)
* #0021450: [Login, Auth & Registration] Very strange redirect phenomenon (with offline courses) (smeyer)
* #0005765: [Login, Auth & Registration] account registration (smeyer)
* #0021432: [Login, Auth & Registration] Code-based registration (with group membership): Error after clicking on "log in now" / membership not on desktop (smeyer)
* #0021441: [Badges] Error when deleting a user that has earned a badge. (akill)
* #0021208: [Who is online?] Who is online - List (pictures) in Mobile View (akill)
* #0021125: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Lernmodul ILIAS im Vollbildmodus zeigt Seitentitel nicht an (akill)
* #0020646: [Survey] After upgrade 5.1 > 5.2(.3), Excel export of survey shows extra data (akill)
* #0021424: [Data Collection] Fatal error when creating a new field (ttruffer)
* #0021371: [Data Collection] Cannot edit entries when the table contains a unique datetime field (ttruffer)
* #0021324: [Course Management] ILIAS bleibt nach Kurs kopieren hängen (smeyer)
* #0021249: [Group] Matriculation number is missing in generated list (smeyer)
* #0020037: [Course Management] Pages Editor Content of Learning Objective is not copied (smeyer)
* #0021373: [Precondition Handling] Preconditions aren't adapted when course is copied (smeyer)
* #0020860: [ILIAS Page Editor] Stylesheet auf LogIn-Seite (akill)
* #0020871: [ILIAS Page Editor] Stylesheet (global) im Glossar (akill)
* #0021360: [Glossary] Error occurs when a Course Member with editor rights (Edit Content) wants to edit an entry in a Glossary (akill)
* #0021333: [_Other] Crash on AR view (fschmid)
* #0021164: [Blog] Letter avatars shown too large in blog sidebar (akill)
* #0021331: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] File List: File Download Broken (akill)
* #0020937: [Language Handling] Caption "Add from clipboard" not customizable (smeyer)
* #0021380: [Login, Auth & Registration] Some users can´t login with LDAP-Account since ILIAS 5.2 (smeyer)
Security Fixes
- XSS security fix in Media Objects, researched by chbi from