Download & Releases

5.1.0 (stable)

Release 5.1.0 has been published at December 23, 2015

Instructions for updating ILIAS can be found in section 3 of the general installation instructions. For major updates (e.g. 4.4.x -> 5.0.x) the safest proceeding is, to upgrade a copy of your productive system first and test whether everything works ok.

If you use a customized skin/style, please change the skin settings for root user and default of installation to ‘delos‘ before upgrading from a 4.x version to 5.1.x. Otherwise you may not login any more due to templates changes in 5.0 and 5.1.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Updated Languages

  • English
  • German
  • Hungarian

Known Issues

Return-Path in Mail : Up until ILIAS 5.0, the mail system did not set an explicit return-path header for outgoing mails. It was necessary that the host was configured to set this value on OS-level. With the implementation of HTML-brackets/-envelopes for mails in ILIAS 5.1, a new PHP mailer library was introduced that sets this value by default - unless ordered to do otherwise - to the given FROM-address.
This has lead to issues with e.g. spam filters. In order to address that, a new configuration option was created with ILIAS 5.1.5 that allows to set the return path which is then used from the mailer. Since this setting has no meaningful default that is valid for all platforms, please make sure to set this option.

Problems with presenting Add New Item and Administration dropdown menu, see: #0017883

Fixed Bugs

The following reported bugs have been resolved:

* #0016550: [RBAC] missing default permissions for role templates (mkunkel)
* #0017683: [Test & Assessment] Confusing notification when adding new questions (mkunkel)
* #0017243: [RBAC] Failed test: Nur Recht „Lesezugriff“ (fwolf)
* #0017779: [Test & Assessment] Results of deleted user show up under name of other user (bheyser)
* #0016897: [Sessions (Course & Group)] Failed test: Sitzung exportieren (fwolf)
* #0017277: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Eine Frage aus der Seitenansicht bearbeiten (bheyser)
* #0017385: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Test aus aktueller ILIAS-Version importieren (bheyser)
* #0017409: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Persönliche Standardeinstellungen auf vorhandenen Test übertragen (bheyser)
* #0017192: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: XML QTI importieren (bheyser)
* #0015185: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Exam View -> List of answers not shown if several test passes are allowed (bheyser)
* #0017398: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Qualifizierenden Test über alle Lernziele beginnen, unterbrechen und wiederaufnehmen (bheyser)
* #0017381: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Mit Autosave: Gegebene Antworten ändern (bheyser)
* #0017677: [Test & Assessment] Testplatzierungen nach letztmöglichem Testdurchlauf nicht anwählbar (bheyser)
* #0017546: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Begrenzte Anzahl gleichzeitiger Teilnehmer (bheyser)
* #0017545: [Usability] Improved sorting of administration menu items (mkunkel)
* #0017577: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Platzierungen anzeigen (bheyser)
* #0017416: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Anzahl von Testdurchläufen begrenzen (bheyser)
* #0017422: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Direkte Rückmeldungen (bheyser)
* #0017432: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Test ohne Fragenpools verwenden (bheyser)
* #0017438: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Übersicht gegebener Antworten (bheyser)
* #0017090: [Test & Assessment] starting a test: not possible to finish a test / navigate to next question without anserwing a question (bheyser)
* #0017447: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Ergebnisübersicht/Antworten/Details von Teilnehmern anzeigen lassen (bheyser)
* #0017424: [Test & Assessment] Test menu display error (bheyser)
* #0016949: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Aggregierte Testergebnisse aufrufen und sortieren (bheyser)
* #0017399: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Kurs kopieren (bheyser)
* #0016948: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Detaillierte Statistik eines Teilnehmers anzeigen lassen (bheyser)
* #0017496: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Failed test: Aus ILIAS Lernmodul Kapitel auswählen und in das SCORM-Lernmodul kopieren (bheyser)
* #0017458: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Zertifikat importieren (bheyser)
* #0017468: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Bewertung nach Frage durchführen (bheyser)
* #0017504: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Lösungsvergleich 18 - Competence level not reached as expected (bheyser)
* #0017639: [Test & Assessment] Benutzerführung nach "Rückmeldung anfordern" missverständlich [SUBNAV MODAL BUG] (bheyser)
* #0017640: [Test & Assessment] Weiterführung zu nächsten Frage erfolgt nicht [SUBNAV MODAL BUG] (bheyser)
* #0017635: [Test & Assessment] Kein Testunterbreche im CTM-Modus [SUBNAV MODAL BUG] (bheyser)
* #0016855: [Course Management] Failed test: Textfeld anlegen (smeyer)
* #0017630: [Login, Auth & Registration] "Init user account failed" on LDAP login / **ALL** LDAP Accounts set to ILIAS Auth (?!) (smeyer)
* #0017507: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Druckansicht aufrufen und verändern (bheyser)
* #0017510: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Seiteneditor für Hinweise und Feedback aktivieren (bheyser)
* #0017522: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Prüfungsansicht/Abschließende Bemerkung (bheyser)
* #0017515: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Mit Autosave: Gegebene Antworten ändern (bheyser)
* #0017519: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Prüfungsansicht/Zurückkehren in den Test (bheyser)
* #0017369: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Fragenpool aus der aktuellen ILIAS-Version importieren (bheyser)
* #0017370: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Fragenpool aus der aktuellen ILIAS-Version importieren (bheyser)
* #0017367: [Test & Assessment] Failed test: Fragenpool aus der aktuellen ILIAS-Version importieren (bheyser)
* #0004938: [Course Management] User doesn't find back to course (smeyer)
* #0017296: [Administration] Failed test: Benutzerdatenfelder im Persönlichen Profil nicht änderbar machen (jluetzen)
* #0017163: [Course Management] Failed test: Lernzielstatus Lernziele und Gesamtstatus (jluetzen)
* #0016790: [Study Programme] After removing a courselink tree is not reloaded (Manage, not View) (mherren)
* #0016865: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2 / AICC / HACP] Failed test: Manipulierte Protokolldaten importieren (Status ‚Noch nicht begonnen‘) (ukohnle)
* #0017128: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2 / AICC / HACP] Failed test: Manipulierte Protokolldaten importieren (Status ‚Noch nicht begonnen‘) (ukohnle)
* #0017125: [Learning Module SCORM 1.2 / AICC / HACP] Failed test: Automatischen Review-Modus konfigurieren: Wenn 'vollständig bearbeitet' oder 'bestanden' (ukohnle)
* #0017170: [Learning Progress / Statistics] Failed test: In Lernfortschritt-Einstellungen von über- und untergeordneten Objekten springen (jluetzen)