Development Guide

Getting Involved as Tester

Responsibilities of Developers

  • Test your code before committing it. New source code has always to be tested by the programmer on his local installation before committing it into git.
  • ILIAS supports automatic testing with PHPUnit. Unit tests ensure that a piece of code acts as expected. They also help to make redesign of existing code less painful. Unit tests should at least be written for crucial core application classes. It is not obligatory to write unit tests for all code. More...
  • Appoint another person that test your feature. If there is not already a tester assigned to your feature (see list of components) appoint a person that tests the newly developed features during beta phase. If no person can be found the core team will do the testing. In any case, it should not be the developer himself who tests the feature.

Community Testing for major ILIAS versions

Detailed information can be found in our Tester Guide. Please have a look at the guideline for community testing, too.

Each major ILIAS version is tested thoroughly by the ILIAS community. The testing phase is coordinated by ILIAS Society. If you would like to participate in the testing process, please contact the coordination team.

  1. Select test case at our testing management system TestRail.
  2. Carry out test case at the official ILIAS Evaluation platform (provided for each maintained version).
  3. Report bugs as described in the Tester Guide.
  4. Document testing status at our testing management system TestRail.
  5. Retest once the bug is fixed and record new status in TestRail.

Where do I find an installation for testing?
We provide test installations for all maintained versions here.

Who is testing what?

You can find a list of the current test team here. In order to finish testing in time and allow for a punctual release, we are always looking for other ILIAS users who would like to join our team! If you have interest, please contact the coordination team.

Test Cases

With the development of ILIAS 5.0 we have changed the procedure of creating test cases. The former Excel based test cases have been substituted by test cases created in the dedicated testing tool "TestRail" [1].

Bug Reporting
All bugs should be reported in our Mantis Bug Tracker. During our community testing, this can be done directly from TestRail.
When can bugs be reported?
You can always report any bug for stable or beta releases.
New features for major releases are implemented by developers during the alpha phase of the development process. Please do not add bugs to Mantis that are related to features that are not finished yet. Please visit the release page in the feature wiki, to check whether a feature is already implemented. Example: 5.1 Feature Wiki Release Page. As soon as a feature is marked as "implemented" and became part of the trunk you can start to report bugs in Mantis.

How should the severity of my bug be rated?

Please use the severity classifications as described in our Tester Guide.

[1] We would like to thank Gurock software for offering us a TestRail licence free of charge.