Development Guide

Implementing and Configuring a Cron-Job


The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Table of Contents * Implementing and Configuring a Cron-Job * Providing a Cron-Job * ilCronJob * ilCronJobResult * Schedule * Settings * Customizing * Misc * Cron Job Execution * Permission Context

Implementing and Configuring a Cron-Job

To give more control of if and when cron-jobs are executed to administrators a 2nd implementation of cron-jobs has been added to ILIAS 4.4+. All existing cron-jobs have been migrated and thus moved to their respective modules and services. The top-level directory "cron/" will probably be kept because of cron.php but should otherwise be empty at some point.

Providing a Cron-Job

A module or service has to "announce" its cron-jobs to the system by adding them to their respective module.xml or service.xml.

  • The job id has to be unique.
  • An optional path can be added if the module/service directory layout differs from the ILIAS standard.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<service xmlns="" version="$Id$"
      <cron id="lp_object_statistics" class="ilLPCronObjectStatistics" />

There are 3 basic concepts: cron-job, schedule and cron-result. Using them as intended should make testing and/or debugging of cron-jobs far easier than before.


This base class must be extended by every cron-job. Besides the methods mentioned below isDue() is noteworthy as it is the central point by which the system decides if a cron-job is to be run or not. The "condition" of the existing CronCheck would have to be implemented here.

Several abstract methods have to be implemented to make a new cron-job usable:

  • getId(): returns the Id as defined in the module.xml or service.xml
  • hasAutoActivation(): is the cron-job active after "installation" or should it be activated manually?
  • hasFlexibleSchedule(): can the schedule be edited by an adminstrator or is it static?
  • getDefaultScheduleType(): see Schedule
  • getDefaultScheduleValue(): see Schedule
  • run(): process the cron-job


The class ilCronJobResult determines the status of a current cron job.

The status are: * STATUS_INVALID_CONFIGURATION This status will indicate the current configuration for this cron job is not correct and MUST be adjusted. * STATUS_NO_ACTION This status indicates that the cron job did not perform any action. Possible reasons to set this action: * A cron job responsible to sent emails didn't sent emails at all. * A cron job responsible for deleting orphaned objects did not find any object to delete. * A lucene cron job decided that the index does not require an update. * STATUS_OK This status indicates that the cron job has been successfully finished. * STATUS_CRASHED A critical failure has occurred during the execution of the cron job, which led to an critical error. The cron job needs to be restarted by the administrator. * STATUS_RESET This status indicates that cron job has been rested. * STATUS_FAIL This status indicates that an non-critical error appeared in the execution of the cron job.

Every run()-Method of a cron job MUST return an instance of ilCronJobResult and MUST set status before returned by a method.

public function run(): ilCronJobResult
  $result = new ilCronJobResult();

  try {
  } catch (Exception $exception) {

  return $result;

A message SHOULD be added additionally. If given, this message will be displayed in the cron job overview table.


As the cron-tab (for 4.4+) should be configured in a way that it runs every few minutes the schedule is crucial to minimize system load by only running cron-jobs when really needed.

The are several schedule types available. The most basic are daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Furthermore a schedule can be given in minutes, hours and days. If the cron-job is set to a flexible schedule it can be configured by administrators. In any case a default schedule type and value (see above) has to be given to give users a clue when a job is due.

Use the following enum cases to implement your desired schedule:



A cron-job may define its own custom settings. The following methods can be used:

  • hasCustomSettings()
  • addCustomSettingsToForm()
  • saveCustomSettings()
  • addExternalSettingsToForm()
    • This method can be used to integrate cron-job specific settings into 1 or more administration settings forms.
    • The concept of "External Settings" is currently undocumented.


  • getTitle()
  • getDescription()
  • activationWasToggled()
    • This hook will be called each time the activation status of the cron-job is changed. This way the cron-job can notify other classes about this.


The isDue() method decides if a cron-job is run or not. As a default it checks the schedule or runs anyways if triggered manually by an administrator. The specific cron-job is free to decide by any means necessary if it is currently active or not. A flexible schedule should of course mind the current settings.

A cron-job is set to crashed if it has been running for 3 hours straight and has not "pinged" once. The $DIC->cron()->manager()->ping() method will reset this counter thus enabling the cron-job to run as long as needed. So if you know that your cron-job might take ages add a ping() call at some sensible point in your run() method.

A cron-job is locked when running. The cron manager will take care of this and prevent concurrent runs. So as mentioned above the cron-tab can safely be set to every few minutes.

Cron Job Execution

In order to execute the cron job manager, the following command MUST be used:

/usr/bin/php [PATH_TO_ILIAS]/cron/cron.php run-jobs <user> <client_id> run-jobs

The <user> MUST be a valid (but arbitrary) user account of the ILIAS installation. The <client_id> MUST be the client id of the ILIAS installation.

Permission Context

Implementations of ilCronJob MUST NOT rely on specific permissions (e.g. RBAC). Generally said, there MUST NOT be any expectations regarding given permissions at all in the context of a cron job. Please keep this in mind when you structure your code layers.