Development Guide

Forms and Object Data

This is deprecated use the Input/Form classes of the Kitchensink instead.

If you handle forms or input fields with the ILIAS property forms, as explained below, you need to ensure the following rules:
Storing form data into an object via set() method:
$obj->set...(ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["..."])) // this strips slashes added by magic_quotes
Insert object data into form input fields:
$tpl->setVariable("PH", ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($obj->get...()));
Insert data coming from a form into form input fields:
$tpl->setVariable("PH", ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($_POST["..."], true));
These things are done automatically, if you use the property form classes.

Property Forms

To create property forms an extra class is available at Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php. This class brings the following features:

  • Support for text input, text areas (incl. RTE), checkboxes, radio groups (incl. nested subitems), date/time input, file input, select lists.

  • Input validation (currently only required fields)

Example 1

This example creates a simple form with one text input field.

$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// text input
$text_prop = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("gmaps_api_key"), "api_key");
$form->addCommandButton("saveGoogleMaps", $lng->txt("save"));
$form->addCommandButton("view", $lng->txt("cancel"));

Example 2

This examples shows how to nest subitems into a radio group. The same works with checkboxes.

$form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// radio group
$radio_prop = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI("Radio Test", "radio_test");
$radio_prop->setInfo("This is the info text of the Radio Test property.");
$op = new ilRadioOption("Option 1", "1", "Infotext for Option 1");
// nest text input in first option
$text_prop = new ilTextInputGUI("Text Input", "ti2");
$text_prop->setInfo("This is the info text of subitem 'Text Input' of Option 1.");
$op = new ilRadioOption("Option 2", "2", "Infotext for Option 2");
// nest checkbox and two date/time input fields into option 2
$cb_prop = new ilCheckboxInputGUI("Checkbox", "cbox2");
$dt_prop = new ilDateTimeInputGUI("Start Date", "datetime5");
$dt_prop->setInfo("Info text for the start date.");
$dt_prop = new ilDateTimeInputGUI("End Date", "datetime6");
$dt_prop->setInfo("Info text for the end date.");
$form->addCommandButton("save", $lng->txt("save"));
$form->addCommandButton("view", $lng->txt("cancel"));

Example 3

This example shows how to use input validation in a create/save/edit/update scenario. Currently only the validation of required fields is supported. You have to call checkInput() one time, before using getInput(). checkInput() validates, and strips slashes/html code out of the POST data.

* FORM: Create.

public function create()
return $this->form_gui->getHtml();
* FORM: Edit form.

public function edit()
return $this->form_gui->getHtml();
* FORM: Save.

public function save()
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
$this->external_feed_block = new ilExternalFeedBlock();
return $this->form_gui->getHtml();
* FORM: Update.

public function update()
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
return $this->form_gui->getHtml();
* FORM: Init form.
* @param int $a_mode Form Edit Mode (IL_FORM_EDIT | IL_FORM_CREATE)

public function initForm($a_mode)
global $lng;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// Property Title
$text_input = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("block_feed_block_title"), "block_title");
// Property FeedUrl
$text_input = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("block_feed_block_feed_url"), "block_feed_url");
// save and cancel commands
if ($a_mode == "create")
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("save", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelSave", $lng->txt("cancel"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("update", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("cancelUpdate", $lng->txt("cancel"));
* FORM: Get current values from persistent object.

public function getValues()
$values = array();
$values["block_title"] = $this->external_feed_block->getTitle();
$values["block_feed_url"] = $this->external_feed_block->getFeedUrl();

For the whole API documentation, see -> Services/Form.