Installation and Maintenance

Installation on CentOS 7

Last update: November 28, 2014, by Anton Arsenij

1. CentOS Setup

You can download CentOS ISO images at
During installation choose the "Custom" package selection and activate the packages "Servers/MySQL Database", "Servers/Web Server" and "Base System/Java". Activate WWW (HTTP) during firewall configuration and deactivate SELinux, if you do not exactly know how to configure it.
After installation start the Package Manager at "Applications" -> "Add/Remove Software" (Gnome Desktop). Install the following packages, if not already available: httpd, php, php-gd, php-xml, php-mysql, php-pear, ImageMagick, mysql, mariadb, mariadb-server.
Accept all packages that are additionally suggested by the package manager.

2. Configuring MySQL & PHP

Start MariaDB:
> sudo systemctl start mariadb
Set new database password using following command:
> sudo mysql_secure_installation
Create new database for ILIAS:
> mysql -u root -p
(this will prompt you for the mysql root passowrd)
create database #ilias-clientname#;
create user '#UserName#'@'localhost' identified by '#PASSWORD#';
grant all on #ilias-clientname#.* TO '#UserName#'@'localhost';
(Replace the values #UserName#,#PASSWORD# and #ilias-clientname# by your own settings. These  values must be entered in the ILIAS-Setup when creating the ILIAS client.)
Edit the file /etc/php.ini. Change the settings according to the Configuring PHP (php.ini) instructions.
Open a shell (as root) and use the pear command in your shell to install the additional PEAR components that are required by ILIAS, see PEAR Packages.
Start the apache webserver:
> sudo systemctl start httpd.service
Enable Apache to start on boot:
> sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

3. ILIAS Installation

Download the latest ILIAS version at Open a shell (as root) and change to your download directory. Copy the downloaded file to the webserver root:
> cp ilias-4.x.x.tar.gz /var/www/html/
> tar xzvf /var/www/html/ilias-4.x.x.tar.gz
> chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/ilias
Create a data directory for ILIAS:
> mkdir /opt/iliasdata
> chown apache:apache /opt/iliasdata

Open a web browser and load the url http://localhost/ilias3/setup/setup.php. Follow the instructions, enter the following paths and disable the checks for convert, htmldoc, Java and LaTeX:
- Path to data directory: /opt/iliasdata
- Path to log file: /opt/iliasdata/ilias3.log
- Path convert: /usr/bin/convert
- Path zip: /usr/bin/zip
- Path unzip: /usr/bin/unzip
- Path java: /usr/bin/java
Finish the installation and enter ILIAS with user 'root' and password 'homer'.

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