Installation and Maintenance
This chapters describes an ILIAS 4.3 installation as it was done in Winter 2012/2013 at SRH Berufliche Rehabilitation in Heidelberg. The installation process served several intentions:
- A working ILIAS installation was needed, and
- system administrators were to be trained for further installations
- document a step-by-step guide for installation
A review of this documetnation is currently done to verify the procedure for ILIAS 5 and debian jessie, work is in progress.
Any comments to this document are welcome, specially if you find errors or passages that are somehow ambigous. Feel free to contact me at (formerly ingo.jackisch (at), but this mail address is no longer monitored)
with any question regarding this module.
Since this documentation describes an installation that was done on an specific system, I cannot guarantee that this will work exactly on any system. I explicitly must disclaim any liability for this document or anything that happens when using it (for legal reasons).
The information in these chapters were gatherd from the experiences of a number of people helping in this process, so heartly thanks to Jens, Claus, Rolf, the people from Qualitus and of course the ILIAS community.