Course with Authors Course with an additional Course Author role crs Course_Author visible visible visible visible visible read read read read read create_catr create_book create_chtr create_poll create_blog create_dcl create_wiki create_htlm create_sahs create_lm create_glo create_blog create_webr create_mcst create_mep create_bibl create_svy create_spl create_tst create_qpl create_exc create_feed create_file create_frm create_prtt create_catr create_book create_chtr create_poll create_blog create_dcl create_wiki create_htlm create_sahs create_lm create_glo create_blog create_webr create_mcst create_mep create_bibl create_svy create_spl create_tst create_qpl create_exc create_feed create_file create_frm create_prtt